понедельник, 24 декабря 2012 г.

Christmas Letter

Я решила скопировать сюда рождественское письмо, чтобы:
1) поделиться им с любимыми дрзьями;
2) рассказать, что произошло в 2012 году. Да, я сачок)))

Christmas is the best time for the end-year inventory. What has happened in 2012? Not much, but those few events were very and very important for our family.

First of all, in January our family duet turned into a trio: we welcomed Aleksandr (Sasha). It is true, children grow fast (is he almost a year old already?), although the first two or three months it was a little hard to figure out what to do with this squealing newborn spiritual brother of ours J

He was born with a stern look on his face, so we wondered if he would become a president of Russia some day! However, he adores wires and electricity so he will probably become an electrician like his both grandfathers. We'll see. And of course, being his father's son, he loves driving J (by the way, we have had three new cool cars this year, neat experience).
Now Sasha is 11 months old, he likes eating all he can see and reach (see the picture – he was chewing on his shoe and made this face when I tried to take it from him) and  tries to walk (actually, he does not just 'try', he walks). And he loves singing at Church. When he hears the piano, he starts mooing and waiving his hands as if conducting the congregation. He is so funny.

In April, we moved to a new apartment! It is very nice, and we are glad to have our own den. Come to see us!
Oh, right, we survived the Apocalypse in December. Here, in Russia, people were very excited about it! They even started to lay in supplies, which is good J

Another great event was having the book by Elder J. Talmage "Jesus the Christ" published in Russian. I, Yulia, think it was a miracle, and another witness that our God is the God of miracles. There are people whom we may call the very choice gift from God, and we never stop wondering HOW the Lord knows whom to send and what opportunities to prepare for all of us.

Dear Friends, we pray that the Lord would bless you with every single thing you need and that this coming year would be rich in good health, laughter and inspiration! May his Spirit guide you and yours! We are deeply grateful for each of you and the opportunity to get to know you!
We love you.

Please, keep in touch...